Monday, August 20, 2012

My Running Buddies

During the school year, Owen, Megan and I started a lovely running routine.  We have the luxury of living right across from the lake and having a wonderful running path at our doorstep so after dropping Josh off at school in the afternoon, we would head out for a run.  I wasn't allowed to start running until Owen said 'ready, set, go' and then he would cheer me on and tell me that I was running so fast; yes, the encouragement of a two year old!  The kids look forward to our runs as much as I do.

Most runs ended with both kids sleeping!

If there was a day that for some reason we weren't going for a run, Owen would complain and then insist on doing the '30 day shred' video. 

(Megan's post run workout)

Over the summer, Josh has had a few weeks of summer camp so we have been able to keep up our routine.  Josh has almost mastered his two wheeler so pretty soon he will be joining us for our runs, pedalling alongside the stroller.
Apparently my running is really going to take me places.  Tonight when I was getting ready for my run, Josh told me that I should train for the Olympics.  I told him that I wasn't quite fast enough for the Olympics.  His reply was 'that's okay Mom, you can do high jump instead'.