Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Our princess is 1!


Yes, what you've heard is true - our baby girl is one!  I've tried to cherish every moment with each child, freeze framing every perfect memory in my mind, realizing that 'time is but a fleeting moment'.  With each child, it seems that my sadness of my babies growing up magnifies.  So with my third and final baby, celebrating her first birthday was bittersweet; wonderful as we celebrate the blessing she is and the joy that she brings to our lives but sad at the realization that she is growing up too quickly.  One year later, we are still head over heals in love.

To celebrate our birthday girl, we had a special dinner out as a family.
(Josh even tried calamari and liked it!)
We also had a little party at home.
(A butterfly cake is fitting for our social butterfly!)

Of course, since she has two older brothers to keep up with, Megan is determined not to be a baby.  She is starting to walk all over the place now, desperately trying to get into everything that she knows she is not supposed to.  Megan has a wonderful sense of humour and a jolly, belly laugh that gives Santa a run for his money.  She is a social butterfly and is always eager to have someone to talk to or play with.

This chair is her new favourite toy.

She likes to 'help' by unloading the dishwasher.
She loves playing the piano.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat x 3

This year, we were lucky enough to have a superhero to keep our zoo animals in line.

A happy halloween was had by all. 

The rain didn't stop them. It was actually quite nastalgic for me as Mike carried the big umbrella around; it reminded me of almost every year as a kid trick or treating that my dad would tirelessly hold the umbrella over us to keep our amazing costumes that my mom had made us from getting wet. I would have to say that despite the rain, I found trick or treating this year much more enjoyable than last year since I wasn't in labour.


It was quite funny because Megan quickly figured out what was going on.  After a few doors, she was reaching for the candy from the bowl.  When we got home, she was trying to grab her bag of treats off of the table.  When we finally gave her a box of raisins from her stash, she was so excited and gobbled them up like there was no tomorrow. 
Josh has been spending his spare time today counting and organizing his treats; a boy after my own heart.  Now to start thinking about next year's costumes!