Friday, November 22, 2013

Changing seasons

Fall is one of my favourite seasons, especially with the start of a new school year and the beauty of the leaves changing colours. 

This fall is especially poignant for us as we reflect upon the 'changing season' of our life as we settle into our new home and new life here in Ottawa.  It is often strange and sad to think that we are settling 4500 km's from 'home'.   But, as I look at the thousands of beautiful leaves that literally surround me (thankfully, Mike bought a leaf blower), I am reminded that change can be beautiful.  Although I may at times find it difficult to comprehend this 'changing season' in our lives, I know that I am blessed by the beauty that surrounds me.

An extra blessing this fall was the amazing, +20 weather we had; we were still in our shorts and t-shirts in mid October.  It was a little strange to watch leaves fall and roses bloom in the same day.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Goodbye, Toronto

Since it was our last (and hard to believe, 3rd already!) summer living in Toronto, we made sure to do some of our favourite things one last time.

Goodbye, Toronto... 
(yes, that's a snake around his neck!)
(Canada's Wonderland)
(sushi in our building)

The activity we will probably miss the most in Toronto is going to Blue Jays games.   

 We will remember fondly the time we spent in Toronto but are looking forward to the new adventures that await us in Ottawa.
Hello, Ottawa...


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The biker gang

Watch out, we've got a house full of bikers!
Yes, your eyes are not playing tricks on you.  Owen is riding a 2 wheeler with no training wheels!  He started on the balance (no pedals) bike when he was just under 2 so we decided to skip training wheels on the big boy bike and see how he would do.  His first try and he was off!   
Much to Megan's delight, she finally gets her own bike!
Cool dude


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spring has finally sprung


This year, winter was so long (I guess it's good preparation for Ottawa winter).  We were itching to get out and enjoy all things spring.  Now that spring has finally arrived, we have been enjoying the great outdoors with fervour.

(yes, she thinks she is much older than 18months!)
(Owen did fabulous in swimming lessons and even passed his level)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A new chapter

It is with much excitement and some trepidation that we are looking ahead to the summer when our family will call Ottawa our new home!  Mike has been offered an amazing job as an assistant professor (tenure track) in the department of Neuroscience at Carleton University.
Eighteen years ago, when Mike and I started this journey together, we would have never imagined that we would be settling so far from home.  We planned to both become teachers and settle in the lower mainland with our three children.  Then God closed the door to teaching for Mike and instead opened the door to doing his phD.  Little did we know that it was the beginning of many doors that would be closed.  As these doors closed, new ones opened though with new opportunities.  
Moving to Toronto was a huge leap of faith and we had a lot of doubts.  Let's face it, most of you probably thought we were (and still think we are) nuts, moving across the country to live in a tiny apartment.  Truth be told, there have been many times over the past two and half years that we have looked around and declared that we are nuts.  But, we have endured, knowing that this is where we are supposed to be for this season of life, recognizing all the blessings that our family has had being here and knowing that it's a chapter in our life that we will always look back at with fond memories.
So, as we look back over the past eighteen years and look at how 'different' our lives have turned out then what we had planned, we see how much we have been blessed.  And, as we look ahead to our new lives in Ottawa, we know that this next chapter is part of God's amazing plan for us.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Bon Voyage


During March break, I decided to do a mother son trip with the boys and head east to Montreal on the train.  We went for two nights and had a blast.  The train ride was a lot of fun and a lot more relaxing than the plane.  I just had to convince the boys that it was not against the law that the train did not have seatbelts.

In Montreal, we spent a lot of time at the indoor pool in the hotel. 
(there was even a shark in the pool!)
We went and explored the port in Old Montreal, which was a lot of fun.   
We also enjoyed some yummy Montreal food.

It was so nice to spend some time with just my boys and all three of us had a fabulous time.