Monday, September 27, 2010

When you wake up in the morning brush your teeth,

have a bubble bath,

and have a nice, clean shave!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Owen!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been a year since you were born.  Time flies when you’re having fun and we have been having so much fun with you.  It doesn’t seem like it has already been a year since we welcomed you into the world.  I can still clearly remember the beautiful sunny day you were born.  Although you were a week overdue, once you decided it was time to come out, there was no stopping you.  After a frantic drive to the hospital and a mad dash to the delivery room, 4 ½ minutes later, I was holding precious you in my arms.

Although you are still our baby, in so many ways you are already such a big boy; walking around everywhere, going down the slide by yourself and trying to keep up to your big brother in every way! 

You have a smile that melts everyones heart and we will always be so proud of you.

Happy 1st Birthday SweetiePie!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cottage Country

Sauble Beach

We are officially Torontonians now as we joined the droves of people who head north to the cottage for the weekend.  Our wonderful friends rented a cottage at Sauble Beach (near Owen Sound) and invited us to join them for the weekend.  Obviously, it was an offer we couldn’t pass up on. 

The weekend was full of great friendship, fun and food.  A fabulous time was had by kids and grown-ups alike, wading in the water, digging in the sand and just chilling out.

(pictures courtesy of LM & RM!)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My blog

So, I've decided that while we are living in the center of the universe (no offense to any Torontonians), I thought I would start a blog to document all the fun we are having here!  I'll try to post about all the neat places we've explored and I'll also randomly include pictures or various events of my cutiepies.  As requested by some, when I try a new noteworthy recipe, I will post it on my blog!  We've already found out that there are tons of cool things to see in Toronto (and surrounding areas), but if you think there's something we should check out, let me know.

(right across from our apartment!)

The CN Tower


If you are in Toronto, you must do the touristy thing and go up to the top of the CN tower.  When my aunt was here, we did a few touristy things, including the CN tower.  If you are scared of heights, I wouldn’t recommend it.  Otherwise, it’s a spectacular view from the top that you should definitely see.  We have the great convenience of being just a short walk away from everything, including the CN tower and fortunately during the walk there, Josh fell asleep.  By the time we were ready to go up, he was sleeping soundly. 


Since we moved here, Josh has been obsessed with the CN tower, looking for it wherever we are.  I think part of it is that it’s a comfort for him because if he can see it, he knows that he is not far from our apartment.  However, for the days preceding our CN tower visit, Josh was adamant that he was only going to look at the CN tower from outside; he was not going to go up it.  He is one to stick to his guns so I knew that no amount of bribery would convince him to get into that elevator.  Thankfully, the power of sleep solved all of our problems.  Owen on the other hand was fearless as always and was raring to go; he would have probably stood on top of the tower if he could.
Josh did wake up eventually when we were at the top and we were able to convince him to go outside for a few minutes.  He thought it was very cool to see our apartment and all the teeny tiny buildings, cars and boats below.

(Our apartment is almost directly in line with the ferry crossing the water)

It was amazing seeing all of Toronto and to realize how massive a city it is.  You can even see in to the Rogers Centre (where the Blue Jays play baseball).  It was also quite neat to see our apartment building from the tower.  Not many people can say that they saw their house from the top of the CN tower!