Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Missing Home

Maybe it's because I've started listening to Christmas music and it makes me think about not being able to go Christmas shopping with my mom (or mom-in-law) this year or getting to sit at my piano to play Christmas carols while Mike and Josh sing along.  Maybe it's because we had my brother visit and it makes me realize how much I miss everyone.  Maybe it's the fear of the unbearably cold winter that this wimpy westcoast girl is scared of!  Maybe it's that whenever I tell someone that I just moved from Vancouver, their response is always 'but why, Vancouver is so beautiful'.  Whatever it is, I miss home!
I must admit that I am enjoying living in Toronto more than I thought I would.  To be honest, I thought I would be crying everyday but surprisingly, there have been no tears (yet).  The other week, before we came inside, Josh stomped his feet and said 'I don't like living in Toronto, I want to go back to my house at Burnaby Lake'.  My heart broke a little bit for him and I wanted to say, 'sometimes I feel like stomping my feet and saying the same thing'. 
Ten years ago, when Mike and I started this journey, we would have never guessed that we would have packed up our family and moved across the country to live in a little highrise in downtown Toronto!  And even though I am missing home, I have never felt more sure that this is where God wants us to call home for the time being (however long that time may be).  Maybe we will have to take a break from some of the traditions we have come to cherish, but in the meantime, we can start new ones like getting to build a snowman in the winter, iceskating on an outdoor rink and taking the train to Montreal or driving to Florida for spring break (hey, I can dream)! 
And while we begin new traditions, we can always cherish the memories with family and friends that we have been so lucky to have and reminisce about all the great fun we had in the summer before starting this new chapter in the book called 'Our Life'!


  1. We're missing you too! It will be great to see you at Christmas, though! Also glad you are making the most of Toronto...and while you're dreaming you might as well skip the road trip and fly to Florida! We would love to join you (in our dreams)!

  2. Sara, we are missing you guys too :) the other day, Jacob said that he wished Josh lived close again, so he could come and stay at our house. I just finished making a scrapbook page of when we 'Josh-sitted'...I'll have to show it to you when you come at Christmas.

  3. Over 20 years ago, I too left for an adventure that took me away from you and
    the rest of our family, so I know exactly how you feel!
    Between missing everyone from home and exploring new traditions, adventures and friendships in Toronto, you’re right, a new life will emerge. Speaking from experience, 20 years from now, you too will look back on your time away as being some of the most enriching times of your life.
