Friday, July 8, 2011

A fractured start to summer

So, Monday was the first official day of summer vacation and Josh spent five hours of it in the hospital as he waited for an xray and cast for his broken arm!  Poor little guy.  It's good that he has the patience of a saint and actually thinks doctors are nice because otherwise, those 5 hours could have felt like 5 days!
He is quite the trooper; much tougher than we give him credit for.  He fell off a slide on Saturday.  He wasn't far from the ground but the way he landed was right above his elbow.  He could still move his arm pretty well and didn't complain too much.  He woke up once in the night on Saturday because it hurt and complained a bit on Sunday about it hurting when he was changing his shirt.  Otherwise, he didn't complain much about it.  I did notice that even when he was playing, he was not using that arm much though and by Monday, he still couldn't straighten it all the way, so to be safe, I thought I would take him to the dr's.  Her guess was that he had a hairline fracture so she sent us over to the hospital. 
The dr's diagnosis was correct and thankfully, it is just a minor fracture.  He should only need his cast on for a few weeks.  It hasn't seem to bothered him much and it hasn't impeded his ability to play.
He was so brave the whole time we were at the hospital.  He only got upset once he realized that he would have to get a cast.  I felt so bad for him so I told him that since he was being so brave and if he was really brave getting his cast on, I would take him to the toy store the next day and he could get a new Playmobil toy or something.  On Tuesday, he decided that for his treat, he wanted to get jujubes.  When we were at Costco, he decided that rather than getting jujubes, he wanted his treat to be a chocolate icecream cone.  Talk about being easy to appease!
This definitely will go down in the books as a memorable way to start the summer!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Josh, you are such a brave boy!! :) I think that you are so sweet and it's so cute that you chose to get a chocolate ice cream cone when you were offered to get a new toy. Wow.
