Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The newest love of our lives

Megan Corazon was born on November 1st at 2:04am, weighing 7lbs. 0 oz.  Yesterday was already her 1 week birthday and the first week with her has been wonderful.  We are all head over heals in love with her.  So far, she is a very happy, content baby.  She had her checkup on Monday and she already weighs 7lbs., 8.5oz!
Some of you have wondered where the name Corazon comes from.  It was the name of our friend 'Con', who passed away from cancer three years ago.  Corazon is Spanish for heart and it is our prayer that Megan's heart will be as big as Con's was.

Our family of five!

leaving the hospital

The boys are absolutely in love with their baby sister.

Uncle Dan was Megan's first out of town visitor.  She was even awake for him!  Look at that dark hair - you can sure tell these two are related.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The cow jumped over the moon

Trick or treating was a big success in our house this year. 

Aside from his aspirations to be a fireman, Josh also has his sights on being an astronaut when he grows up.  He is already planning his trip to the moon, but he is a bit nervous about going in a space shuttle alone so he has enlisted Mike and I to accompany him.  He is also planning a family road trip for us to drive to the NASA space station in Florida.  Needless to say, when I came across this astronaut costume, I knew it would be perfect for him.

For Owen, I am not sure that he will grow up to be a farmer (you never know though) but when I found this cow costume of my niece's, I knew he would look super adorable in it.  He has his 'moo' down pat.

 As soon as I put Owen's costume on, he said 'candy'. We expected it to be a lowkey event with going down one street, thinking Owen would tire out but he was right into it, saying trick or treat at every door.

(sampling his chocolate)

The boys had a wonderful time and we can't believe how much candy they scored!

(sorting through all of his loot!)