Thursday, December 29, 2011


They say that time flies when you're having fun so that would explain why with a blink of an eye, December is almost over! 
The month started with a visit from Grandma and Papa.  Since it was their first time to Toronto, the boys were eager to play tour guide and take them to all of their favourite places, including the zoo and Niagara Falls. 

Josh was also lucky enough to go with daddy and Papa to the Hockey Hall of Fame.  He was very proud that he was one of the big boys!

(Megan was all smiles for Grandma)

Mike and Owen both got iceskates for Christmas so now our family is set for the rink.  Owen was so excited to finally get his own skates.  He had been asking for 'my skates' for weeks. 

(the boys are all set for iceskating now, although they also look ready for an intense game of roller derby)

We were able to go with Grandma and Papa to the icerink so that the boys could show them their skating skills.

(Although Owen can't really stand on his skates yet, he insists on 'skating' around the entire rink, which makes for a sore back for Mike and I!)

(Josh is starting to get really good and can even go about 10-15 feet on his own)

(Mike and I got to do a few laps together.  We felt like we were in high school again!)

We were a bit anxious about Christmas this year as it was our first Christmas away from family.  We ended up having a wonderful day though, spending the afternoon with both old and new friends.  It was also a special Christmas this year as it was Megan's first Christmas!


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