Thursday, February 16, 2012

Keeping Busy

I must admit that I was very anxious about making it through this winter, being home in our tiny apartment with three young children.  Fortunately, we have found lots of ways to entertain ourselves.
Josh still goes to junior kindergarten every afternoon and is still loving it.  He is keeping busy with his homework.  He even did a research project on his favourite animal - pretty impressive work for a 4 year old!

Owen has started taking a keen interest in colouring.  I must admit, I quite enjoy the silence of him sitting at the kitchen table colouring for an hour or two at a time.

The boys have enjoyed constantly building new things with every blanket and pillow that they can find.  In one day, they used their pile of 'materials' to build a fort, cave, circus, swimming pool with waterslide and a soccer field with nets.  I am glad they have such good imaginations!

Megan is growing like crazy.  She is starting to laugh and giggle and talk. 

Her new favourite toy is her exersaucer. 

(Megan also likes playing Candyland with Josh and I)

We've also been blessed with a very mild winter so we have been able to get outside almost every day, which has helped me stay sane (most days).
(Josh's remote control car that he got for Christmas from G&G)

It's hard to believe that it's already the middle of February and that our much anticipated trip to Vancouver is only a few weeks away!

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