Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quebec city

Everyone knows that I love surprises but I am very hard to surprise so you can imagine my excitement when Mike surprised me for our 11th (and an IOU from our 10th) anniversary with a weekend getaway to Quebec city.  He planned every little detail of the trip, including arranging for our friends to watch the boys, and he managed to do it all without me finding out (a very impressive feat)! 

(waiting for our flight)

We had a wonderful time and it was so relaxing to have a little getaway.  We stayed in the heart of the old town and spent hours walking around, enjoying the history and beauty of the city.  The architecture is magnificient and reminded me a lot of Europe.  I would definitely recommend putting a trip to Quebec city on your bucket list.

 It rained a lot while we were there but being Vancouverites, the rain didn't faze us. 

We enjoyed lots of yummy french food and had the most delicious burgers at Chez Victor's.

We brought Megan with us but she was on her best behaviour - both nights she slept through and she slept in until 9am the first morning and 10am the next!  The highlight for Megan was swimming in the hotel pool.  It was her first time swimming and she loved it; she went strong for over an hour!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Party Time

This blog post was written by a special guest blogger, Joshua, talking about his 5th birthday party.

I had a good party.  I liked how all my friends came to the party.  I loved playing baseball with the boys and the girls loved doing sidewalk chalk at my party.  I liked how A and I played California Kickball. 

I got lots of cool presents.  I liked the airplane I got; when you spin the propeller, it makes a cool, funny sound and it flies by itself. 

We had lots of good food. I loved the baseball glove on the cupcakes because you can eat the glove. It tastes like chocolate (not milk chocolate, hard chocolate). I like when you take the glove off because some of the icing comes with it.

I was planning my birthday party for a really long time and it was an all sports party. It was an all sports party because I like sports and I knew my friends would like playing sports with me.
I had a fun party.

(who needs all the new toys when there is grass to play with?)