Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The next Steve Nash(es)

If you ask Josh what his favourite thing about Toronto is, he’ll probably tell you it’s the basketball courts across the streets.  He’s obsessed with basketball in every way.  He loves to go over and ‘shoot hoops’ with daddy – he’s even gone at 7am in his pyjamas.  If he had the chance, he would play every single day.  He and I also have fun going together to shoot hoops (according to him, I am really good at basketball and daddy’s not very good so maybe I can teach daddy how to play!).
Even Owen is becoming obsessed with the game.  He hasn’t realized that there is actually a hoop at the top of the pole so he excitedly runs over to the hoop and throws the ball at the pole and thinks he has scored! He also likes to randomly play dead on the basketball court.
We wondered what we would do once the daylight hours shortened and the weather got colder and wetter.  We decided to take the game inside!  We have our own little indoor basketball court and the boys can play basketball rain or shine, day or night.  Owen now realizes there is a net but he knows that there’s no hope that he is going to sink the basket so he often will stand at the hoop and just line up his shot for 5 minutes.  It’s the cutest thing.
Next time these two boys challenge you to a game of 2 on 2, you better bring you’re A game – they’ve already got some pretty wicked skill!

1 comment:

  1. Those boys are too cute. Love it, Sara - makes me feel like I can picture it all right along with you. Sounds like Daddy better step up his A-game too :)
