Thursday, February 24, 2011

Family Day fun

Instead of having Remembrance day as a stat. we get a lovely break from winter in February with Family Day.  This was our first time celebrating Family Day and it was extra special because we got to spend it with family.  Mike's sister, Carrie made the trek out from Kelowna for the long weekend and we had a wonderful time with her.  The entire week before she came, Josh was counting down the days until her arrival and the night before she arrived, Josh stayed up until 10pm because he was so excited to see Auntie Carrie.  He even wanted to make a list of all the things he was going to do with her (yes, I am very proud that my 3 year old already understands the beauty of lists). 
It was great to show her this little (or big, I guess) corner of the world that we are currently calling home.  Mike and her went up the CN tower and Josh proudly showed her Niagara Falls. 

On Family Day, we got to enjoy all the fun free family events that were happening at the waterfront.
 It was a nice treat for me to almost not be outnumbered by boys and to spend some girl time with her getting a mani/pedi.  Mike and I enjoyed a lovely evening out with free babysitting as well.

(helping Auntie Carrie make yummy meatballs)

She was a wonderful houseguest as she was very gracious about being woken up every morning at 7am by two nephews eager to play with her.  On Tuesday, the boys were looking for her and were so sad that she was gone. 

(there were some intense games of Hungry Hippo)

It was a bittersweet visit; we had such a fabulous time with her but after seeing her, it makes us miss her and everyone else back home even more.  Now we're counting down the days until Grandma C. arrives.

1 comment:

  1. Bittersweet is right! I had such a great time, but I've been really missing you all and wishing we could do it all again! I think Sam was a little offended at first, but I reassured him that it's not that I was wanting to leave him again and come visit- but bring him with me this time :)
