Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday fireman!

The long anticipated day finally arrived for Josh.  Turning 4 and having a firetruck birthday cake were two things he was looking forward to for a long time. 

It's hard to believe that my baby is already 4 years old (sniff,sniff).  In many ways, he is so grown up and there's no question that he's old and 'wise' enough to be 4 but in other ways, he is still so cuddly and sweet that he will always be my baby.

It's been so much fun to watch Josh grow and mature into a little boy.  He's very responsible and very much a rule follower.  He is also sensitive, considerate and encouraging and is always going out of his way to cheer people up and make them feel good about themselves.

The other day, he told me he likes being 4 because now he can eat a lot of food.  The irony of this statement is that he has never been a big eater and in his first week of being 4, his appetite doesn't seem to have grown.  Nonetheless, he is taking his 'job' of being 4 very responsibly and is excited about all the new things that a 4 year old gets to do.
First on the list of things to do for a 4 year old... get his very own big boy bike!
Happy 4th birthday, Joshy!  We love you so much.

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