Monday, April 18, 2011

An afternoon at Costco

Everyone knows that I love Costco and it's always a fun afternoon event to do with the family.  Since today was a crazy weather day (rain, heavy snow, hail...), it seemed like a perfect afternoon to spend at Costco.  Of course, everyone else thought so too but we weren't in a rush so it didn't matter.  Mike has already taught the boys the glory of samples and they get very excited about having a hotdog in the food court.
Of course, there were some yummy samples which Mike was very excited about.  He happily went from station to station getting his samples but I had to work for mine.  This is how my conversation with one sample lady (SL) went.
SL: Before I give you the sample, how old are you?
Me: (laugh), Yeah, I'm 31.
SL: No you're not.
Me: Yes, I am and those are my two kids and husband right over there.
SL: Yeah right, fine, here's a sample.
It's good to know that I can still pass as a twelve year old.
Josh and my favourite section to browse is the middle aisles where they have all the seasonal items, including toys and sports equipment.  It's nice because Josh always picks out what he likes but he never whines about wanting it.  Today they had all their summer items and bikes in stock.  Josh thought it would be super cool to have the peddle boat.  I told him that once he has a cottage on a lake, he could have the boat.  We also saw an awesome Lake house outdoor playhouse, complete with everything 'including the kitchen sink'.  We thought it would be great to have that but Josh had the wise idea that he would get Grandma H. to buy it for her yard when she comes to visit (he's always thinking).  (We've already decided that Grandpa & Grandma C should buy the wooden playground there). 
One thing we did see that we couldn't resist was this little bike that turns into a scooter for Owen.  Everytime we take Josh out on his scooter, Owen cries because he wants to ride it and he loves scooting around on ride-on toys so we thought it would be perfect for him.  We convinced Mike that we really needed to get it for Owen and that it could be his early birthday present.

Once we got home from Costco, Mike set up the bike for Owen and he loves it.  Always being one to put safety first, Owen keeps insisting on wearing Mike's bike helmet when he rides it.  I think it actually makes him a more dangerous driver since he holds the helmet with one hand to keep it from falling over his eyes but I don't think any of his accidents will be too serious since he's only a few inches from the ground.
Once the warm weather is here to stay, we will flip the bike into a scooter and I am sure that is when the real fun will begin.
The sample that won for today was the duck drumsticks.  Yes, quite the deluxe sample and very delicious (and the sample lady at that station was so nice)!

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