Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ontario Place

We have the luxury of living a short walk from Ontario Place.  Ontario Place is a mixed bag of fun.  It has rides, a waterpark, waterslides, mini-golf and live shows.  We decided that since we live so close to it and there are so many things for the kids to do there, we would invest in a season's pass.  Well, we have definitely gotten our $ worth.  I must admit that Mike and I have just as much fun there as the boys do.

Bob the Builder put on a great show and much to Josh's delight, he got to meet Bob after the show.

Josh and I went mini golfing and he got a hole in one!

The serious work of peddle boating.

Much to Owen's delight, there were a few rides that he was big enough to go on.  When waiting in line, he would point excitedly and say 'ride' over and over again.

The boys loved watching the acrobat show.  They saw it atleast 5 times but never got bored.  I would have to agree that it was a pretty impressive show.

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