Thursday, January 6, 2011

Home for the holidays

We were initially not planning on going home for the holidays but after much pondering (and a seat sale!), we decided to go home for Christmas and we're sure glad we did.  We visited with friends like we had just seen them last week, hung out with family as if we always did and the cousins played together like there had never been any miles between them.  It was good to be home to the familiarity of everyone and everything, the comfort of the known (never having to consult a roadmap!) and the vast beauty of the BC landscape.

Ironically, our first snow fall of the year was back in Vancouver.  It left the mountains beautifully snowcapped and as we drove in the sunshine out to visit our dear friends in Mission, we were awestruck by the beauty and were dying to be on those mountains skiing.  It made us laugh though to think of what typical Vancouverites we sounded like.  It was dark, grey and wet for the first week that we were there but as soon as the sun came out, that's all that we could remember!

We had great fun bowling.  Josh wins the award for most sportsmanlike player.  Bowling is the best family event and he is always encouraging everyone, telling them that they are winning.

(never too young to learn to bowl)

I felt like a kid again on Christmas morning, waking up at 5:30am (thanks to Josh) and running downstairs to see that 'Santa' had come and left lots of presents for us under the tree.  The boys had so much fun opening their presents and playing with them afterwards.

Hours of fun were had by the kids, and kids at heart building cool Lego houses, playing street hockey and just chilling out.  Oh, to be young again.

 (helping Grandpa pack everything up to bring home)

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