Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snow Day

I thought that a guaranteed perk of moving out east would be the snow!  I was very disappointed when January arrived and aside from a few flakes here and there, we hadn't yet had our first snowfall.  I was so excited when last Saturday morning, I looked out the window and it was snowing, lots!

I have always loved the snow.  When the snow falls, everything is so quiet and peaceful and it is just so much fun.  When I was a kid, I would be get so excited when my mom or dad would come into my room to announce that it was snowing.  I would jump out of bed, pull up the blinds and gaze out in delight at the snow falling under the streetlamp.  My brothers and I would turn on the radio with the futile hope that school would be cancelled.  It was the one time we wished we went to a private school as we listened to the cancellations for all of the private schools. Nevertheless, it was still fun to walk to school in the snow and enjoy our extended recess playing in the snow.  Afterschool, we would play in the snow as long as we could - knowing that it would probably be all melted by the morning.  We only played in the backyard because we didn't want to ruin the perfectly untouched snow in the front yard.  It was so annoying when the paperboy cut across the yard and ruined the display of natural beauty.
As an adult, I still love playing in the snow.  As a parent, it is so much fun to get to watch my boys play in the snow.  On our first official snow day of what I hope will be many more this winter, we had a blast. 
We put the stroller in 4 wheel drive and found a lovely area to play in all by ourselves.

It was Owen's first experience in the snow and he thought it was very fun.

One of Josh's favourite activities is to eat the snow (we made sure to find an area that was untouched).  Apparently, it's good to eat the snow because 'it's healthy for your body'.

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